Scheduling for Success

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Did you know that the #1 reason a patient refers a practice is because they run on schedule?

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This seminar is focused on creating and executing a Scheduling for Success System designed to meet specific goals. Your scheduling system and processes determine four of the most important parameters of your dental business. It determines your level of revenue, your patient reviews, number of patient referrals, and your entire team’s stress level. If you don’t understand how to manage your scheduling systems, you can work yourself literally to death day after day with barely enough to live on at the end of the month. In this seminar, you will learn how to turn your daily treadmill into an efficient production engine.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to meet - and exceed - your production goals every day 

  • Understand why pre-blocking is essential to a successful practice 

  • Learn how to develop scheduling goals, prevent no-shows, handle late patients, and manage “emergency” calls 

  • Understand how proper scheduling can increase production by 15% to 20% without working more hours 

  • Learn to control your schedule instead of your schedule controlling you! 


Super Glue of Practice Success


Battling Burnout in Dentistry