Embezzlement in the Dental Office
It could happen to you! It is estimated that over 80% of dentists will be embezzled in their career at least once.
Don’t let your practice be part of those statistics. No one is immune to embezzlement. Be aware and protect your practice from this danger. Gain a thorough education on the causes and effects of embezzlement. Sandy provides safeguards so you can prevent, detect, and respond to suspicions of criminal behavior within your practice.
Learning Objectives:
Define the difference between embezzlement, fraud and stealing
Learn why it happens so frequently in dental practices
Analyze the profile of the typical dental embezzler
Recognize who is most likely to embezzle
Understand how embezzlement happens and how it is detected
Discover methods for detecting and preventing embezzlement
Identify preventive measures that can be immediately implemented
Realize techniques for responding to suspicions