Make it My Day and Make it Pay: Performance Scheduling for the Dental Practice

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Have you fantasized more than once about a week at the office where the schedule ran on time every day, without open appointments or chaos, and exceeded your financial goals?

Well, it is a bit of a fantasy, but not completely. If you and your team knew and practiced the skills of Performance Scheduling you could live your fantasy most of the time. We can’t control sickness and weather, but we can control just about everything else.

With the Performance Scheduling System, you can increase production and reduce stress. If your schedule is not purposely designed for performance, it rarely meets your goals or your patients’ expectations. Learn how to make it work for you instead of you working for it!

Learning Objectives:

  • How to design the schedule to exceed your goals, every day

  • Why scheduling is a team system and not just a front desk system

  • How to guide your patients into following your scheduling parameters

  • How to capture 15-25% more production each day

  • How to consistently run on schedule


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