Half of Your Dental Employees Are Looking to Work Elsewhere!
According to a recent Gallup Workplace survey, 51% of US employees are actively seeking a new job. This statistic is especially worrisome in the dental industry due to an existing shortage of dental personnel. Learn the primary reasons dental employees depart and ways you can prevent it from happening.
Are You Monitoring Your Practice’s Vital Signs?
As with the human body, monitoring and benchmarking your dental practice's vital signs can alert you to weakened operating systems, work culture dysfunctions, threatening trends, and money leaks.
Achieve Sustainable Success with a Practice Evaluation
So much of what is happening, or in some cases, not happening in your dental practice is invisible to you as the Dentist, leader, and owner. You are simply too deep in the trees to see the forest. A practice evaluation by an outside practice management business expert can be incredibly valuable to you, your team, and your practice and set your practice on the path to long-term success.
Play Leadership Baseball for a Winning Team Dental Season
This month, we’re playing baseball, specifically, leadership baseball. You, the dentist, are the owner of this team, which we will call, “Team D” (for dental). You purchased Team D with a boat-load of money, time, and sweat by graduating dental school and purchasing or buying into a dental practice. Those decisions are what launched you into this game of leadership baseball.
Are Your Employees Treading Water?
We started the year with a blog about the infamous “bad apple” employee; next we tackled how to avoid hiring a “bad apple” employee; and now, after following our effective Concepts Hiring System, we have a new employee, who is excited, energetic, a little nervous, and eager to learn. This is the point, right after hiring a new employee, when so many leaders (and not just in dentistry!) make two key mistakes.
Is a Bad Apple Employee Ruining Your Team?
The first blog of the Dental Leadership series discusses the absolute hardest part of leadership: terminating an employee. Many leaders convince themselves that keeping a bad employee is the best thing to do. It rarely is. Read the blog to explore reasons why releasing weak and poor employees is vital to the success of your dental practice.
Let’s Make a 2021 Dental Deal
Let’s make a deal? Let’s agree to make 2021 the year of leadership development in your dental practice. My part of this deal is to write a blog each month discussing one thing you and your leaders can do to improve your leadership skills. Your part is to read the monthly blogs and implement the skills in your practice for at least one year before deciding it does or doesn’t work. Wait… are you hedging? Are you wondering why you should spend your precious time on leadership skills? Before you turn down the deal right now, read the rest of this blog. Then we’ll revisit it.
11 Questions to Get to The Bottom of Workplace Warfare
“IT’S JUST NOT FAIR!” How often do we hear this phrase from toddlers and elders, alike? In fact, studies suggest humans are born with an innate sense of justice and fairness! So, when something happens that challenges our primal sense of justice, there’s no telling the consequences. We see such consequences play out every day in areas such as healthcare, income, human rights, and even your dental practice.
5 Steps to Empower Your Dental Employees
You can spot disengaged dental employees a mile away. Research giant Gallup has found that globally, 85% of employees are disengaged in the workplace, and they under perform as a result. The dental industry is not immune! Your practice is not immune!
Cure Your Scheduling Headaches
Scheduling is one of the most important elements of your practice. It is intimately tied to your profits, stress level, and patient satisfaction, yet I see practice after practice allowing their schedule to reduce their income, create work chaos, and drive patients away.
Is Your Dental Practice Sick?
FOCUSED, PERIODIC, COMPREHENSIVE… 0140, 0120, 0150. We are all familiar with these oral exams for our dental patients. We use them daily and know how important they are in detecting and correcting problems and disease in the oral cavity.
Is Your Practice on the Brink of Chaos?
“Sandy, I need help! My front desk person had to leave suddenly due to a personal situation, and may not return. We are all struggling without her! I have deposits hitting my bank and have no idea to whom they belong. I can’t access my own practice’s website, email, or Facebook account. We can’t even attach x-rays to our e-claims! Can you help me?” This type of call happens more often then you would think.
“I Just Want To Do Dentistry!”
In my 35 years in dentistry I have heard this phrase over and over again. Most dentists didn’t get into the profession because they wanted to run a business; they did it so they could be DENTISTS! Unfortunately, the business side of running a dental practice often ends up being so overwhelming they aren’t able to enjoy their true passion of dentistry.
Why Should Dentists Care About Systemization?
Many small business owners, including dentists, make business decisions on instinct. They have so much on their plate they don’t always slow down to document their decisions and processes. This appears to work on a day-by-day basis, but long-term it can cause a multitude of problems. Systemization can release you from management responsibilities and allow you to focus on your patients.